Oakland Pharmacy works with local summer camps to dispense and package ALL of your child’s medication for camp.

Camp families are required to register with Oakland Pharmacy if your child takes medicine while at camp. All pills will be dispensed and individually packaged in sealed packets labeled with your child’s name, medicine, dosage, and time to be given. Our system ensures that each camper receives their correct medication at the right time of day. All medication will be shipped to camp prior to your child’s arrival.

It is recommended that you partially fill your camper’s prescriptions before camp so the remainder can be provided by Oakland Pharmacy.

Oakland Pharmacy will dispense all prescription and non-prescription meds taken daily or as needed. This includes all pills, liquids, drops, creams and vitamins. Non-prescription meds/vitamins; physician’s authorization or written directions by parent required. The only exception will be inhalers and epipens which may be brought to camp on check-in day and must be clearly marked with the camper’s name.

What You Need To Do

  • Register with Oakland Pharmacy by emailing the pharmacy at Oakstore@savagesdrug.com or calling 207-465-4440.
  • You will need to send the following:
    • your child’s name and date of birth
    • any allergies your child has
    • a copy of the front and back of your insurance card
    • your contact information and address
    • the pharmacy you currently get your prescriptions from
  • Obtain original prescriptions written for the length of your child’s stay at camp.

For Controlled Substances Only

If your child is staying longer than 30 days, law requires a new prescription for each 30-day supply. Two separate 30-day prescriptions are required for controlled substances.

Send all prescriptions together. We must receive the original prescription or have the physician send an electronic prescription to our pharmacy. Prescriptions are filled as written. It is your responsibility to confirm the correct medication, dose, and exactly how and when your child takes the medication is prescribed.


30 days prior to your camper start date

Insurance/Prescription Meds

Oakland Pharmacy accepts most insurance plans. They will verify your insurance upon registration and submit to your plan. You are responsible for all co-payments, deductibles, medications, and written prescriptions not covered by your insurance.

Note: All summer camps should send documentation to Oakstore@savagesdrug.com.