Workplace Flu Shots
According to the (managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)…
Approximately 11 million workdays are lost each year due to the flu.
Employers show a loss of $7 billion per year due to sick days and lost productivity.

Partnering with any of our pharmacies in Fairfield, Oakland, or Unity can help protect your employees from the seasonal flu!
On-Site Flu Clinic
We will bring the immunization clinic to your business or workplace! Our certified immunizing Pharmacists Darren Nelson PharmD or Shane Savage RPh/owner, have extensive knowledge and experience with immunizations. They will visit your business upon appointment to administer the influenza vaccination to your employees.
We do the paperwork for you!
Due to the increase in influenza cases over the last few years, most healthcare insurance plans cover the preventive flu vaccine! With insurance information, we will bill your health plan for the vaccine and administration. If you don’t have insurance or your plan does not cover the cost, our pharmacies offer a competitive “out-of-pocket” price for the flu vaccine.